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Supporting and empowering you on your journey to health, vitality and well-being
What is Alignment ?
Alignment is a state of balance between your body, your emotions, your beliefs and your life. I believe we all have an innate ability to heal. We cannot fulfil our potential and relax into the flow of life if we are blocked emotionally or energetically.
For example –
Are you unable to stick to exercise regimes because you have a subconscious programme running from negative experiences of sport at school?
Do you sabotage your best intentions to eat healthily or lose weight because you were rewarded with sweets as a child?
The sub conscious will always override the conscious mind, so changing beliefs around issues that you are struggling with is the most effective way to change your behaviour.
Most of us try to change our behaviour which is why we often fail or find we are repeating patterns throughout our lives. When our beliefs, thoughts and behaviours are aligned, we can live our best life and become the best version of ourself.